platy molly difference

Platy fish are relatively low maintenance when it comes to fish care but they still need the right size tank, water temperature, filtration, feeding schedule, and tank maters to help them stay healthy and happy. #6. The easiest ways to tell a Molly apart from a Platy are the body shape, size, and color variations. There are also color differences between a male and female platyfish, with males having darker hues than females. I have 3 silver Molly's 2 black sailfin mollies,dalmation molly and an oran... Whats the difference between loach and corydoras? Cours couvrant les principaux chapitres traditionnellement enseignés dans la discipline, conformément au programme en vigueur dans les universités. There is a very vague difference between the male and female platy fish on the basis of color, body shape, fin shape, and size. The differences between male molly and female molly are as follows: Male molly: head size is smaller than female molly, the body size is longer, male belly shape is more pufferfish, there are small long fins under the back of the abdomen, and upper fins are wider and large. And keep a steady watch on the PH using a test kit. Both are Livebearers but they cannot crossbreed with each other. It is located. I've personally found that Platies are more short, round and seem to have shorter, wider tails, where Mollies are lean and long (except for the balloon variety) like yours Here are some pictures that show what I mean about the difference in body shape between the two, platy is top, molly is bottom. very true! Therefore, they can store the sperms for a long period before appearing to be pregnant and giving birth. Picture 3 is my only male!!! There are new strains starting to come out, just like the platies and swordtails. I originally had 2 female platys and a male platy, but one died a few months ago. you read and agreed to the. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 13Myers Full Faucet Force a decorate your home makes the difference By Dr. Wayne H.Riser O - he Planting your aquarium Fish are easily transported ... One good selection is made up of four varieties guppy , platy , swordtail , and molly . Jun 7, 2019. They grow to 3-5 cm in nature. I would have taken a picture but sadly the pretty girl died after several months when they had an outbreak of ick Molly and Platy hybrids are indeed possible and it took me seeing that girl to realize that. There must be at least 15 different species. While at my LFS, where I had previously bought "mollies"...they had changed the name on the tank to "Molly/Platy", looks like you have platies. Everything you read on this page was written to help you learn more about fish and fish tanks. A turtle's typical lifespan ranges from 19-42 years. I have a yellow female, and my male only pays attention to her. first of all the platy fish smaller than the molly and has different colors than the molly's so fry platy will be red if the parents are red or blue if the parents is blue and smaller while the . Contests including the Tank of the Month, body seems too elongated/slender for a platy, platys are more chunky/rounded . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 47Other types of fish require hundreds of generations before mutation , such as a difference in color , becomes ... the molly ( P. sphenops , P. latipinna , and P. velifera ) , the swordtail ( Xiphophorus helleri ) , and the platy ( X. It is common knowledge that the more water in your aquarium equates to less water parameter fluctuations. Platies and Mollies cannot cross breed. A Guppy and Molly cross is normally unable to reproduce. Mollies and platies usually enjoy freeze-dried bloodworms. Sedangkan crossbreed ikan platy dapat dilakukan dengan ikan pedang (swordtail). Platy is a common name of freshwater fish in the genus Xiphophorus that lacks a 'sword' at the bottom of their tails. However, they prefer high-quality flakes as well as a diet that consists of vegetables. It may not display this or other websites correctly. In this slightly different twist on the variegated pattern, there are a number of dark or light spots (rather than blotches) that are liberally sprinkled over the body. Choose a safe brand such as Seachem or API. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 2You can help make a difference, too. Visit American Humane Association at today. ... bluehand, p.37 (molly); cbpix, p. 30; Christina Richards, p. ... 41 (platy); Vangert, p. 5 (goldfish). They are two different species with different genetic bonds which makes them challenging to crossbreed. The Southern Platy, also known as the Common Platy, was introduced to the aquarium hobby in 1907, while the Variable Platy was introduced later in 1932. It has the general look of a platy but has a slight possibility of being a molly, until we get a better picture. Here's my mama platy since we are posting them. Molly is an active fish. You will find some really useful tips and information on this blog about Freshwater Aquariums. Selective breeding has . This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. Poecilia breeds take approximately 12 – 16 weeks to reach the fertilization stage in their life. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 31Usually the difference is noted other outstanding male characteristic , in one , two or three fins — the dorsal while ... anal or posterior fin under the body . in Platy variatus , Mollienisia sphenInfrequently the difference in sex is ... what is the difference between a platy and a molly? While platies enjoy a mixed variety of food that consists of both high-quality flakes. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 104The cutaneous melanomas of the Platy ... GORDON ( 1943 ) explained that the genetic difference between the black molly and the grey molly is complex . There is nothing in its inheritance , however , comparable to the macromelanophore ... Swordtails, as well as platyfish, on the other hand, fall under the subgenus known as Xiphophorus. ELITE JP - Inspire to make a difference. Although easy to care for, that doesn't mean they can be left to their own devices to thrive. Other than that, Tetras thrive in similar water parameters as Platy fish. your pregnant platy is identical to mine!!!!!! The Molly is from the Poecilia family and the Platy from the genus Xiphophorus which means they cannot interbreed. While it is possible for platy of one color variation to crossbreed with platy of another color variation, platies and mollies do not crossbreed between the species. Right now I have one red Platy female who is beautiful and two 24K Gold Mollies. Is a small sized fish with an elongated body. If you're not a fish expert and have been wondering how to tell the difference between Molly and Platy fish, don't worry. Middle and bottom pictures show the same female. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Note: There are other Tetras that, too, can be compatible with your Platy fish. Platy *Different Varieties: Southern Platy, Red Wagtail Platies, Mickey Mouse, Red Tuxedo, Moon Fish, Topsail Rainbow, Sunset, Golden, Calico, Salt and Pepper, Coral Red, Black, Blue… and the list is almost none ending, as most of them have to do with the coloration of them. Le platy est un hybride. The reason for that is they are not compatible with each other. I have 4 female unknowns, 1 male platy, 1 four year old betta, <Wow, old!> 2 dwarf Corydoras, 1 regular size Corydoras, 1 upside catfish, and 3 (platy or molly) fry who haven't been eaten. Dans un texte limpide, enrichi d'une iconographie généreuse, l'ouvrage présente les processus fondamentaux de la vie à l'échelle moléculaire. Disclaimer: does not intend to provide veterinary advice. aquawolf Dec 19, 2013 #3 the molly in pic 3 looks more like a female. 25 Both diatoms and green algae reduce the beauty of the tank, are not very easy to clean out and might result in your beloved livebearers to get lower levels of dissolved oxygen in the water. This being said, they are not good parent fish and they tend to eat their young. The differences between a Molly and a Platy can be difficult to spot, as they're both members of the same family of live breeders, and they look very similar. How many Platies can you have in a 55 gallon tank? Wow I see what you mean, I can definitely see the resemblance! Some of the vegetables mollies tend to savor include shelled peas, cucumber bites, and small bits of zucchini. How can I tell the difference between tail nipping and fin rot? A fully grown female platy can be as big as 2.5 inches, while a male can only grow up to 1.5 inches. Ideally, you will need a heater if your room temperature is 4 degrees above the desired aquarium temperature. The molly is gold while the swordtail is black and white. Betta Fish Ormoc City Leyte Hobby Swordtail-Platy-Molly. Some common names are the Black, Black Lyretail, Gold, Dalmation, Silver Sailfin, Black Sailfin and Gold Sailfin Molly. It is not possible to breed Molly and Platy fish together. Mollies tend to be longer and larger, with longer fins and snouts, whereas Platys are often stouter and more compact in their design. It fills the need to inseminate the female. While the female's anal fin has a triangular shape. A Platy fish is an excellent addition to any aquarium. Coptapia. It is not possible to breed Molly and Platy fish together. Trouvé à l'intérieurBecause the aquarium trade is governed by the laws of supply and demand , only the highly coloured and fancy strains of guppy , swordtail , platy and molly are imported and it ... There is a difference between the ragged ... I have seen her grow by the day and its amazing to see how different the personality develop in various creatures. The male fish fertilize the females similar to that of mammals and free-swimming fry are produced at the end of the fertilization period. Best Answer. As a proper noun molly is ( female ). Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 18I have one very pregnant molly , and I am buying a new aquarium to raise the fry in so the mother can't eat them . ... guppies , platies and so on ) breed is to set up a separate aquarium for the mother to drop the babies in . The driftwood can remain in the tank as a permanent decoration and hideout, but make sure to monitor the PH levels using a test kit sold online or in aquarium shops. What is the difference between Molly and platy fish? They very different colour variation in them as well. We do our best help users better care for their fish. I think they are all Molly's. When they grow it's just mesmerizing haha, This is off topic but I have African land snails. The highly popular Mickey Mouse platy is a type of variegated color pattern. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 22Koussevit . zky WMCA - Xew World A Coming , drama * WXBC - Fibber McGee & Molly , comedy WOR - - Casebook of Gregory Hood 10 : 00 . WCBS - Studio One * WNBC — Bob Hope Show , comedy Canada ' s finest is worth the difference ! Juan Basketball League. It's the sunburst platy! What’s the difference between platy and molly fish? Used in-house at Aquatropic, they are safe to store in domestic freezers. Differences The difference between molly fish and platy fish is a more rounded stalky body. The more upturned mouth is a molly. One of them I saw hatch from an egg that was laid by the other. Meaty treats once or twice a week can further give them an optimal and overall balanced diet. They're beautiful, low-maintenance, and quite fun to observe! While platies have shorter, rounder ones. However, they’re actually not the majority of the nutrients compromised during the freeze dry and packaging process. It’s not recommended to keep your tank close to a window where direct sunlight is in plenty. Mixing various color variations of any one species of guppies, mollies, and platies in one setup can look beautiful as well but this can result in interbreeding of color variations which is not desirable according to many breeders. pH : 7.0-8.2 22-25°C 5 cms 70-80 litres Bac planté Description : le platy est une espèce de poissons d'eau douce tropicale de la famille des Poeciliidae. Both Platy fish and Molly fish are livebearers, yet they have many differences between them. The betta is very happy with the Platy and Mollies but the one in the 6g is not happy with 2 of the Fancy Guppies . She’s beautiful, love her tail!! Continue reading to know more and get answers to help you keep compatible community fish in a single ecosystem. Okay so a female Red Wag Platy, thank you all for the answers. - Guppy Fish. And thanks this is my first time!! Molly Fish Has Longer Fins and a Wider Mouth Than a Platy Nov 8, 2011. You will find that you can quickly tell them apart after a while. It provides indirect sunlight. However, they are originally brackish fish which means that they are best kept in water with salinity levels that suit their natural environment. These crucial steps in helping your fish thrive and not merely survive. If you’re a fish fanatic like me, you will enjoy this blog! Platies and mollies are livebearers i.e. Platys are Xiphophorus maculatus or variatus from the eastern coast of Mexico down to Belize. Filtration, as well as aeration, is a must for raising healthy fish, especially platies and mollies. Apprendre au plus grand nombre un savoir menacé de se perdre en le fixant par l'image : ce fut, il y a deux siècles, le pari des Encyclopédistes. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. Is the color uncommon for these fish? And yes it is actually! Difference between molly fish and platy fish? photo 3 is of a molly the rest are platies. Click on each picture to see a bigger picture. The popular and easy to care for molly, platy, guppy, and swordtail all belong to a family collectively known as live-bearing tooth-carps, or Poeciliidae. The female may chase the male around aggressively. Endlers, Mollies, and Guppies can cross. Mollies also tend to have a mouth that is facing upwards, as compared to the front-facing mouths of platies. What is the difference between a platy and a molly? Yes, since Swordtails and Platy fish come from the same family of Xephophorus, they can breed and produce viable offspring. Gamma Blister Packs are 100% natural, easily digestable foods. As with other color patterns, the salt-and . The female'a vent will transform from circular and rounded to square. It covers their diet, tank setup, lifespan, tank mates, and the different types you can choose from! *Size: Approximately 2 inches (5-6 cm.) You will likely see little free swimming young soon! 04 of 09. Flash frozen to capture freshness and gamma irradiated to guarantee no pathogens. 1st pic is my pregnant Platy. Swordtails should have at least 40 gallons or so. Xiphophorus breeds take on an average of 6 to 8 weeks to become mature enough to procreate. They are all natives of the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the western hemisphere, from Central to South America, where they live in . We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. The reason for that is they are not compatible with each other. Apart from that, female platies also have a rounder and plumper body. The content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary advice. Pregnant female Livebearers have a Grey dot near the anal fin and their bodies expand as the due date to release free-swimming fry approaches. Mollies also tend to have a mouth that is facing upwards, as compared to the front-facing mouths of platies. Copy. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! Copy. Oh wow. Entrepreneur. This is why most hobbyists do not mix swordtails with other livebearers in a single setup. These as nutritious additions. The biggest give away on telling them apart is the angle of the mouth to the head and body. A 10 gallon tank is way too small, and probably the reason it hasn't grown very big. How to find duplicate xo humpy head food? If you wish to learn what makes up the Molly and Platy family and how to tell them apart, please read on. The Molly is larger than the Platy but the size difference is minimal. As a general rule always over filter and understock. 😉. And occasional meaty treats such as frozen bloodworms, mollies. 2nd pic is a Mollie I found on the internet. - Zebra Danio. Female Swordtails can grow to 6", which is a bigger fish than most mollies. vxixiv/The Spruce. However, platies tend to have bodies that are shorter and rounder in structure as compared to mollies that are longer and a tad bit sleeker in appearance. He is living happily with his guppy friends, but I was wondering how to tell the difference between molly, platy, or guppy fry. The size of the anal fin in males is usually larger or longer in size than the females. Les objectifs des directives sont de contribuer au developpement de l'aquaculture et l'utilisation durable des stocks des poissons fourrages. The Molly comes in a wide variety of colors and three main types: short fin, sail fin and Mexican. Introduced in the year 1932, the variable platy is named thus because of the different color combinations of platies found under this category. JavaScript is disabled. Both are definitely females, and all are adults. Gamma 100% Natural Frozen Foods. Overstocked aquariums with poor filtration often face problems. What is the difference between Mystery and Apple snails? It has the general look of a platy but has a slight possibility of being a molly, until we get a better picture. Ikan platy dan molly merupakan ikan yang mempunyai warna indah dan harganya yang terjangkau. Nothing more. Will this stress my platy? The fin of platyfish is a significant identifier of sex. Pooping as always. Swordtails can be hostile to other male livebearers. i went back to the pet store where i bought it to check out other fish and i. They cannot crossbreed with mollies. Planterreta. Baby fish have to be separated from both the mother and the community that they live in. The female may hide in a secluded area from the rest of the fish in the days leading up to the birth. In my case they give to birth to 30 babies in 1 go and on the next day she again give birth to 10 babies. Also I've had a look around the Internet but I haven't seen any silvery white ones like mine. The scientific name of the variable platy is Xiphophorusvariatus. As an adjective platy is resembling plates. Pictures: Top: Male Red Wag Platy about 1.5" long pursuing a large female about 2.5" long. Based on distance from dorsal fin to tail fin. Livebearers are a perennial favorite among aquarists and for good reason. Platies and Swordtails can cross. its either sphenops or its an red eyed helleri female. As nouns the difference between molly and platy is that molly is (north america) the crystalline or powdered form of mdma while platy is a ( tropical fish) of the genus xiphophorus (also including the swordtails). Males are typically 1.5-3.5 cm (0.6-1.4 in) long, while females are 3-6 cm (1.2-2.4 in) long. The preferred PH levels for nonbreeding livebearers is 6.5-7.5. the one i got is a vibrant redish orange with black fins. Using just a sponge filter is usually not enough. Post pics of your fish and we will tell you what you have. Normally Molly also required the same environment as the Platy fish. The choice is completely yours. Is my platy pregnant? Therefore, using a hang-on back filter with a medium output flow rate is a good way to go. But also on the bioload which implies the number of fish you have in the tank. People choose it because it has minimal requirements and is... 7 Best Fish for 1 Gallon Tank (Complete Guide). Male's anal fin of molly fish is modified into the tube-like shape which is called "Gonopodium" through which they copulate with the female molly. Tank of the Month, You must log in or register to reply here. This size difference isn't visible between fish of the same gender, but if you place them side-by-side, the female will always be slightly bigger. Both are definitely females, and all are adults. They are havens for beneficial nitrifying bacteria and promote steady aeration as well. How can you tell the difference between a male and female angel fish? Both the silver one and the orange and black one are females. The Platy Fish is a small, colorful freshwater fish that typically grows no larger than 3 inches. They're also similar in their overall look too (depending on variety). Additionally, Platys tend to have a much broader range of colors and patterns. Wow that’s cool!! Natural sunlight is always ideal for fish. Low-maintenance requirements and an oddly-shaped body make these fish an interesting addition to a community aquarium. Platy Fish. This means that direct rays of the sun, especially from 6, am to 10 am shouldn’t hit the tank. This, in turn, implies that mollies can be slowly and steadily. I am a passionate fish keeper, with years of experience. Platies are a low maintenance and peaceful fish. This is a video of me trying to explain and show the difference between male and female Platy. Mollies … Platy vs Molly Fish: How to Tell Them Apart Read More » Salt-and-Pepper Pattern . Swordtails fall in a different category of livebearers, they are neither platies or mollies. I live a sad life watching various animals all day, fun but sad, not always sad though, my friends and my s/o are just as mesmerized as me 😁. No. Guppies and Mollies fall under the subgenus of Poecilia. It is safe to keep mollies, platies and guppies in one tank, however many hobbyists prefer not to as they prefer keeping only one breed per setup. This is a red wag Platy & it does appear to be pregnant. Platy is a common name of freshwater fish in the genus Xiphophorus that lacks a "sword" at the bottom of their tails. However, a sponge filter is a welcome addition as a secondary filter. Petvalvu had them labeled as neon sunburst Molly's, Maybe you should let them know next time you stop in! Can a Molly mate with platy? Even the most uninterested person knows more or less about Betta fish. That is why I had to go back and stare at the pictures. L'ouvrage comporte également un volumineux glossaire, véritable dictionnaire des termes utilisés en physiologie animale et en biologie. The male body is elongated, thin and a bit flattened from sides. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 27The Sphenops Molly , like the Platy Variatus , has a completely different genetic makeup than the other Mollies . Whereas , except for the difference in dorsal fin size in the other Mollies , the sexes are very similar , in the Sphenops ... I have black, neon sunburst and gold sailfin mollys but others call them platy's. whats the difference? They are good with planted tanks and also they eat algae in your fish tank. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), link to What to Feed Betta Fish When Out of Food, link to 7 Best Fish for 1 Gallon Tank (Complete Guide). . Water hardness should be up to 12 dGH, while water pH should be around 7.0-7.8. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 90Molly Gibson Breaibe Freely . fort - free ou application to WALES and 00. , as above . ... a short distance from Book the Fourth , and 34 and 35 , Royal Exchange . payment of the difference in the ratca :Palace grounds . Chapter 1. Like platy, molly and swordtail they are from Poeciliidae family, who have teeth on their maxilla and mandible. Variable Platy. The males are brighter and smaller than the females. If you are trying to actively breed these two species, drop down the temperature by 2 degrees. The aquarium world is filled with a large variety of exotic tropical fish, out of which the most beautiful are often community fish that shoal and live together in peace. To do this, you have to use thoroughly cleaned, semi soaked aquarium bought driftwood and place it in the tank for a few days. The same rule applies to cross-breed of color variations between mollies as well. Difference between black moors and black butterfly telescope eye fish? The male anal fin balance, which is long and meager fit as a fiddle, is called 'Gonopodium.'. See Answer. Explore All. I have 4 of her fry that I raised and she's currently pregnant for the second time. However, platies tend to have bodies that are shorter and rounder in structure as compared to mollies that are longer and a tad bit sleeker in appearance. So much more satisfying raising a fish from a fry than from a pet store, although I adore all of my pet store finds. Check out the Monthly whats the difference? They readily cross breed. - Platy. And they are Rummy nose tetra, Rosy tetra, Lemon tetra, and Penguin tetra. Mollies tend to have longer and more elongated body. One of the prettiest of all the Platies. Sports & Recreation. The same goes for the spiketail or swordtail platy (X. xiphidium) from the same river system and for Anderson's platy (X. andersi). Thanks to their bright colors and the extreme ease with which they can be bred, there are now countless varieties that are regularly available: Red Wag, Mickey Mouse, Twin Bar, Golden Panda, Pineapple, etc. Both Platy and Molly fish belong to the same family of livebearers. Both species are livebearers, similar to other fish of the family Poeciliidae, such as the guppy and molly.Platies are native to the east coast of Central America and southern Mexico. Contents [ show] What Is a Platy? How To Tell A Molly From A Platy. I also have 4 Fancy Guppies, 2 male and 2 female. This is a fairly neutral PH. Mollies. She is if I may say so myself, cant believes he turned out like this, from 2 week old pet store fry. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 106Besides fish behavior , there's the aquatic environment to Trees Make a World of Difference consider . Some common fish species , like the molly and platy , really should a have some salt added to their water . Rich red with contrasting jet black fins and marks around the mouth. The Southern Platy and the Variable Platy are the most common species and have been interbred so much that now it's difficult to distinguish between the different species. ∙ 2009-07-30 20:57:34. Set water temperature to 72-74 F, which is optimal for both guppy and platy fish. Water changes regularly to keep nitrates and nitrites at 0 since I'm sort of overstocked. Xiphophorus 'Kosszanderi' is shaped overall like an X. maculatus platy, but males carry a distinct (though short) sword. but now i am wondering if it is actually a Molly. Tetras lay eggs. It's the same with mollies, guppies and swordtails as well, bu. However, if you wish for a smooth transition then both a hydrometer. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 66Swordtail A Comet Platy measuring around 6 cm ( 2.5 in ... The result , again as in Guppies , has been a proliferation of colour and fin types , some of which would stand Hifin Lyretail Swordtail ( or forms ) of the Molly ... - Corydoras. I have black, neon sunburst and gold sailfin mollys but others call them platy's. Generally the fish need to be in the same genus for any cross breeding to succeed. Anal Fin is the present underside, behind the belly. A Molly is a longer sleeker fish. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. How can you tell the difference between a siamese algae eater and a chinese algae eater? i had 2 orangish yellow platies so i thought that i would get a third (so i have 2 females and 1 male). Moreover, an adult female Platy fish is larger and measures 2-3 inches while the male is just around 1.5 inches long. They are two different species with different genetic bonds which makes them challenging to crossbreed. Both platies and mollies come in a variety of color variations. Les fiches poissons: le platy Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) Amérique centrale . I see nothing but platies in those pictures EyesofGreen. Platy fish are quite common among freshwater aquarists. Platy Fish 101: Care, Types, Diet, Lifespan & More! To maintain stable temperatures, you'll need to set up an aquarium heater. Answer (1 of 2): There are a few issues involved with cross breeding livebearing fish. And a salinity test kit is recommended. haha Figures! Otherwise, this will not only overheat the tank but also cause algae blooms, of both diatoms and green algae. You can choose between the 2 following methods. Remember to shift the mother or any other fish away from babies in separate fish tank otherwise dalmation molly will eat the babies. They are different in appearance (body shape, mouth shape finnage etc etc) and they . Mollies have a longer body shape with long fins whereas Platys tend to be short-bodied yet stouter than the Molly variety. I have balloon belly molly fry and is there a way to tell the difference be... How can you tell the difference between ich and fungus? While platies, mollies, and swordtails fall under the main taxonomy genus of Poeciliidae, their subgenus is different. I have 2 tanks, one a 10g and the other a 6. I find Mollies also have more of an upturned mouth. Can a Molly mate with platy? Algae, diatoms, and green varieties are aquatic lifeforms and tend to also deplete the nutrients from the water, which can be detrimental to the well being of your livebearers in the long run. Mollies tend to be longer and larger, with longer fins and snouts, whereas Platys are often stouter and more compact in their design. Sports League. . To be able to sustain the first 3 weeks of the free-swimming stage, the fry a.ka. helterskelter Livebearer Specilest Joined Nov 12, 2006 Messages 6,270 Reaction score 13 Location GB Nov 8, 2009 #6 photo 3 is of a molly the rest are platies. Food & Beverage. Platies have shorter more chubby bodies whereas mollys are quite long and slim I believe, Mollies mouth/lips are also a bit higher and more upturned.
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